It finally hit me. Last night when I habitually started a sentence with, "In high school.." and my roommate declared, "Yea, since Dana was in high school last week." I finally realized it wasn't so recently. It's been 8 years since I started high school at Villa Duchesne, and more than 4 years since I walked through the doors for the last time. As much as I treasure each and every memory, I think it's time to finally realize that Villa is part of my past. (But many villa GIRLS are part of my present!) I'd like to engage in one more recollection of memories, though I'm sure it will not be the last.
For all the villa girls, do you remember...
Our daytime uniform of plaid skirts and polos and friday night "unofficial" uniform of an A&F jean skirt with a bebe black tank showing exactly half an inch of our fake baked midriff. The volleyball coach named "Big". Bosco stix. Betscorn. Facebook detention. Beirut. Making a Tshirt for every significant event. Bunco. Field Day. Conge. True Life: I have ADD. Using our skirts as a napkin. (lack of) ever washing our skirts. Giving up shaving for lent. Pickleball. Tim the trainer. Mrs. Billhimer's English class. Brittish accents in the senior room. Jumping out windows in Biology class. Getting reprimanded for "suggestive" photos online. Lake trips. The hand. Maypole practice. Father-daughter dances. Blake's parties. Dr. Sam. Service Learning. Art Class. Skipping art class. Young Life. Dave concerts. Free Periods. Pretzel or Bagel dilemma at Break. Kairos. and everything in between..
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