I have recently had the opportunity to read "The Secret". I have had the book recommended to me several times and have just never made it my top priority to read. I had no idea what type of book it was, and never really looked into it. However, after just completing it this week, I am happy that I finally made it my perogative.
"The Secret" may be classified as a 'self-help' book. It's a bit spiritual, a little out there, but definitely noteworthy. "The Secret" discusses the idea of the Law of Attraction in relation to our thoughts. We attract like thoughts. Therefore, when we think negative things, or think about what we do not wish to occur, we are just attracting all this doubt and negativity back to us. When we think positively, or think about achieving all the goals we have set for ourselves, we attract more positive thoughts that yeild positive results. While I was a bit skeptical upon first diving into this read, I know that I have received some valuable teachings and plan to implement them into my life starting today. I would also recommend this book to anyone, and have even passed it off to one lucky friend already.